Ken Wold Video Sales
Cowhorse Full Contact Episode 12
Chris Dawson and Russell Dilday interview NRCHA Professional Horseman and NRCHA Hall of Fame Inductee, Ken Wold! Ken Wold is also an AQHA Professional Horseman and has clinched multiple world titles in cutting and reined cow horse. Ken has made a lasting impression as a horseman within the NRCHA and the American Quarter Horse Association. Ken gives his story on his multiple decade journey in the reined cow horse. He shares stories about being involved in the reined cow horse before the Celebration of Champions and Snaffle Bit Futurity. Ken gives advice to young people in their journey in the reined cow horse, and gives mental preparation advice for the show pen!
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Riding Smart on Cattle two DVD set with Ken Wold
VIDEO SERIES with NRCHA Hall of Fame Inductee & World Champion, Ken Wold. Ken guides the viewer through multiple training sessions with a variety of cow horses, narrating how to work the herd, get a specific cow cut, and get your horse shown by controlling the situation to your advantage. In a special bonus feature, the fitting and use of two key pieces of head gear are discussed in depth, and many insights are provided about how to make what you do in the show pen more appealing to the judges! Ken’s emphasis on integration of training with all 3 of the cow horse disciplines, herd work, reined work and cow work is both common sense and invaluable.
2 video series – $98.00
(+ $7 shipping, priority mail)
Riding Smart On Cattle With Ken Wold
Californian Ken Wold guides the viewer through a very insightful training session with a young show horse, preparing him for his first cow horse events. This video is a great clinic on how to school the funamentals, how to work the herd and be effective to get a cow cut. The end result is a relaxed, confident horse that is soft in the bridle and listening to the rider. Many pearls of wisdom are contained here for anyone who wants to get their horse better broke and improve herd work scores. 42 minutes.