How incredible are the NRCHA youth?!
Twenty top, young hands competed in four events in three days, and six came back for a fence-only finals on Saturday night in front of a sellout crowd! We could not be more pleased with every aspect of this new event. Congratulations to Trevor Hale and to all our competitors! You put on a great show for the fans and we cannot wait for you all to back next year!
The NRCHA World’s Greatest Youth Reserve Horseman is Pierce Wold, riding Ken and Ramona Wold’s Real Smooth Cat. Wold earned a 439 composite thanks to his 142.5 in the reined work and his fence score of 151, which was the highest of the round. Wold scored 145.5 points in the steer stopping.

#nrcha #nrhya #celebrationofchampions #worldsgreatesthorseman #worldsgreatestyouthhorseman #buckledowncowtown
What a night!
Pierce Wold riding Real Smooth Cat was leading the World’s Greatest Youth Horseman completion by 3 1/2 points after the Herd, Reining, Cow and Steer Stopping works.
It came down to one last run off for the top 6 riders down the fence. After receiving 3 tough cows his run down the fence did not get him enough points for the championship – but he did win the reserve title of the WGYH. We couldn’t be prouder of our son. He held it together through it all! Way to go cowboy!
videos of 2019 Worlds Greatest Horseman – Reserve Champion
Pierce Wold and Real Smooth Cat
2019 WGYH rein work prelim
cow work prelims
We thank the following companies who’s products helped Pierce to win the 2019 Res. Worlds Greatest Youth Horseman.